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Monday, June 24, 2024

3:00pm - 5:00pm

The Addams Family

Gomez and Morticia Addams move to a derelict asylum in New Jersey, surrounded by a marsh and hidden by a fog at the top of a mountain, to raise a family. Thirteen years later, teaching his son Pugsley the saber tradition of the Addams family while Wednesday is about the world outside the mansion , TV reality host Margaux Needler is busy designing and building the planned community of Ass when the marsh is drained and the Addams home is revealed, Margaux decides to get rid of the Addams Family.

Rated PG  1 hr 26 min

Refreshments are provided.

Adults, Kids, Teens
Photograph of spilled popcorn, a movie production clapperboard, red and white movie tickets, a reel of tape to show a movie, and a red disposable cup for a drink.