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Monday, July 22, 2024

3:00pm - 5:00pm

The Princess Bride 

An elderly man reads the book "The Princess Bride" to his sick adolescent grandson. The grandson is sure he won't like the story, with a romance at its core, he prefers something with lots of action and "no kissing", but he lets grandfather continue, because he doesn't want to hurt his feelings. The story centers on Buttercup, a former farm girl who has been chosen as the princess bride to Prince Humperdinck of Florian. Buttercup does not love him and she who still laments the death of her one true love, Westley, five years ago by the Dread Pirate Roberts. Buttercup is kidnapped by a band of bandits. They in turn are chased by the Dread Pirate Roberts himself. But chasing them all is the Prince, and his men. Who will Buttercup end up with? And will the grandson come to understand justice is as important as action?

Rated PG  1 hr 38 min

Refreshments are provided.

Adults, Kids, Teens
Photograph of spilled popcorn, a movie production clapperboard, red and white movie tickets, a reel of tape to show a movie, and a red disposable cup for a drink.